Lesson series

 Exploring Meditation Through the Lens of Embodiment

A practical experiment in using the body to deepen into spiritual practice. A study of consciousness, energy, and all that pulls us out of the present moment.
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About TantraSoma

In the years I have been practicing and teaching I have noticed a that there can be a gap between what the practice is asking us to do, and what we are capable of. Often, traditional ways of practicing don’t factor in the Western mind, the particular way that we inhabit the body, and the lack of community support that we might experience. Psychology can address these issues, but sometimes views us through a purely materialist vantage point. 

The study of Somatics, which invokes the body’s natural capacity to witness itself, and trusts the body’s inherent capacity to heal, offers us the possibility to bridge this gap. In this course we will lay a foundation for a Somatic practice that supports our Spiritual practice whatever shape it might take, whether that be Meditation, Yoga, Bhakti, Seva, Karma Yoga, Self-Inquiry or any other.

We will clearly define terms, and receive some simple yet powerful practices that will allow us to work toward becoming more embodied. Creating a relationship with the Felt Sense, the inner atmosphere made of sensation, thought, and emotion, can help us to stay connected with the observer – the agent responsible for bringing us into meditation. As we deepen in our capacity to be present with and observe our inner atmosphere, we become more resilient and less reactive. This capacity to remain present and engaged in the midst of sensation and emotion spills over into our lives and brings us more agency and peace.

You will leave this course with a clear idea of how these modalities can work together, and a simple and very effective set of practices that you can continue to deepen into. This coupled with the insight into your particular structure and tendencies will create a bridge between the truth of your moment, and the truth you are looking for.

The course is made up of eight lessons, and runs about three and a half hours. There are guided Somatic meditations in the beginning of all main lessons, a set of worksheets to guide a self-reflection on each of the topics that were touched on, and a practice session.

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A Study of the Intersection Between Spiritual Practice  and Somatics 

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Using Somatic based practice to deepen your meditation, presence, and capacity to weather life's storms
Meet the instructor

Laura Carrotti

Laura Carrotti is a seeker of meaning. She's spent the last two decades studying with masters and fools all throughout India, Thailand, and South America. 

The core of Laura’s teaching, and her mission, is to bring people back into their totality, and to help them re-evaluate the relationship they have with their sexuality. Her work blends self-inquiry, dynamic forms of meditation, breath, yoga, and good old honesty. Her specialty is in unraveling the war we are all in with ourselves.

Laura has been leading Tantra groups in Europe, Asia, South America and the U.S. for over a decade and teaching Yoga philosophy and practice for almost two. She is also a trauma informed, Somatic Experiencing practitioner. 

And she swears an awful lot, but she’s great fun.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Student love

Feedback about working with Laura

This is great work for anyone who would like to dive deeper and take a concentrated look at this one area of their spiritual development. I had intellectually understood that my relationships were an outward expression of my own psyche and the relationship between my inner masculine and feminine, but to have a grounded experience of it was incredible for me. I had breakthroughs during this work that were beyond anything I would have expected, I really received a lot. Laura is absolutely in her dharma in this work, she brings her heart, all of who she is. What she is sharing is based on her own deep, applied, study and practice.
I took Laura's course because I was suffering in an unfulfilling relationship and couldn’t manage to get myself out. I had no awareness of what kept me addicted to its painful dynamics. Through Laura’s keen insight and gentle but firm guidance, I was able to finally see my role in all of it and own my responsibility. I left the relationship soon after her workshop and never looked back to that old pattern.
Today I have greater self-trust that manifests in deeply fulfilling relationships. My gratitude is immense - I could have wasted so much more time feeling “stuck” and helpless. If you are ready to move forward with your life and step into a deeper level of trust, intimacy & sexuality… I can’t think of anyone else who will bring more power & insight to your transformation than Laura Carrotti.
This work has been one of the biggest gifts that I received in my journey of self-knowledge. It allowed me to dive deep into a place which always brought me a lot of confusion; the intimacy that I have with myself, and the way I relate to others. The experience was so safe that it allowed me to go deep enough to see the root of the fears that I had of relating with myself and my body. I had been completely dissociated from my body for many years because of the fear of not being good enough, the fear that there was something wrong with me, with my sexuality, and my expression.The journey Laura led allowed me to go step by step into re-connecting and grounding in my own body – this is something that I really admire, that a teacher would guide you not to connect with angels, but to make you feel more part of who you are. With your own body. I got a lot of clarity about the way I was using my words in relationship, and that allowed me to set clearer boundaries, and to be able to express my own needs. I recommend the depth and beauty and joy of this work, and I am very grateful as a gay man to have found a space which is welcoming, and inclusive of who I am.
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