A 12 week course with Laura Carrotti

Alchemy and Intricacy 

A course about the delicate business of being human 
A Twelve week course 

The Delicate Business of Being Human

This course is a collection of tools, techniques, and teachings gathered over the last twenty years of relentless study. This work is designed to give us a clear map of the vital aliveness in us that we have lost contact with. We will study our own humanity, and learn ways to get back to the wholeness that is our birthright, so that we can fully show up for our lives, and to give the world back the gift of our full collaboration
Live sessions, recorded lessons, movement and breath practice, guest star teachers and an amazing community
According to tech support, there is nothing that can be done to adjust this horrifying thumbnail. Click it anyway, and I'll tell you about the course.
Registration open on October 1st 

October 8th - January 3rd

what past participants are saying about working with Laura

Student Love

This is great work for anyone who would like to dive deeper and take a concentrated look at this one area of their spiritual development. I had intellectually understood that my relationships were an outward expression of my own psyche and the relationship between my inner masculine and feminine, but to have a grounded experience of it was incredible for me. I had breakthroughs during this work that were beyond anything I would have expected, I really received a lot. Laura is absolutely in her dharma in this work, she brings her heart, all of who she is. What she is sharing is based on her own deep, applied, study and practice.
Prashant Goel

I went to Laura' course because I was suffering in an unfulfilling relationship and couldn’t manage to get myself out.  I had no awareness of what kept me addicted to its painful dynamics. Through Laura’s keen insight and gentle but firm guidance, I was able to finally see my role in all of it and own my responsibility. I left the relationship soon after her workshop and never looked back to that old pattern. 

Today I have greater self-trust that manifests in deeply fulfilling relationships.  My gratitude is immense - I could have wasted so much more time feeling “stuck” and helpless. If you are ready to move forward with your life and step into a deeper level of trust, intimacy & sexuality… I can’t think of anyone else who will bring more power & insight to your transformation than Laura Carrotti.

Alisha flecky
This work has been one of the biggest gifts that I received in my journey of self-knowledge. It allowed me to dive deep into a place which always brought me a lot of confusion; the intimacy that I have with myself, and the way I relate to others. The experience was so safe that it allowed me to go deep enough to see the root of the fears that I had of relating with myself and my body. I had been completely dissociated from my body for many years because of the fear of not being good enough, the fear that there was something wrong with me, with my sexuality, and my expression.
The journey Laura led allowed me to go step by step into re-connecting and grounding in my own body – this is something that I really admire, that a teacher would guide you not to connect with angels, but to make you feel more part of who you are. With your own body. I got a lot of clarity about the way I was using my words in relationship, and that allowed me to set clearer boundaries, and to be able to express my own needs. I recommend the depth and beauty and joy of this work, and I am very grateful as a gay man to have found a space which is welcoming, and inclusive of who I am
Alejandro Flores

  1. The Mission, The Call:

Twenty years ago I was lost. Lost and stuck. I had to go, but I didn’t even know where. I wanted to believe that life was something more than the measly portion I had been served up until then, but I had nothing more than a vague sense of nostalgia, a yearning.

I wanted to believe in magic, I wanted to live in awe. I wanted mystery. I wanted to kick my life over and live in the mossy brambles of its underbelly. I wanted meaning. I was drawn and quartered between the opposing poles of wanting to melt into wonder, and wanting to understand everything.

And I didn’t want what I had. That is an important piece, that what I had seen, what I had experienced until then, was not it. Happiness and fullness felt out of my reach.

So, I packed my bags, sold my things, extracted myself from my life, and went in search of meaning. I spent the next number of years losing and finding it. Feasting on Southern Asia’s sprawling banquet of spirituality, tried everything I could get my paws on, and slowly, steadily dug my life out of its hole.

What I discovered in these years of sitting in meditation, bending into yoga poses and trying every kind of possible practice placed before me, was that the sexual energy is key. That we can find, in this source of life, all of life's mystery, power, ecstasy, and pain. That the study of this energy is the study of life. That knowing this current is knowing ourselves.  

And that only when we know ourselves can we hope to be able to meet another. By meet, I don't mean just bump into. I mean to meet; to see and be seen. 

Sex without a meeting brings us only frustration and fleeting pleasure, a meeting is only possible when you can lay yourself bare to the other. You can only lay bare when you have seen and known all of the fragments of yourself, gathered them unapologetically and stated, “Look at this beautiful mess, look at this wild magic!” And you consider that magic to be the most precious of gifts, rather than a burden.

And that is the core of this work; that there is no sense in accruing tools and techniques to make you a better lover, better communicator, or better relator in general, until you can really relax into the person you are.

Until you have known the all the notes on the scale that bridges your sacredness to your profanity, the fullness of your grief and awe, your bird-bone vulnerability and your utmost power, you will not really let anyone close to your heart. As long as you keep secrets from yourself, the intimacy you seek will not be found.  

For the last decade I’ve been running intensive courses; cathartic, deep, primal, spaces where we can let go what’s ready to get gone, and call in what’s ready to land. I believe that working in a group calls us into action and allows for the co-regulation hardwired in all mammals. We heal in packs. We thrive in packs. All those oars in the water, bringing us toward a common, and utterly individual place inside of ourselves. This work is meant to be done together. This course is meant to divide our waters; to give us the opportunity to be in our lives, and at the same time in deep inquiry. It is the opposite of the intensive workshops, it's a slow cooker, allowing us time to soften into the work, time to let it happen to us. And we will start where everything starts; with sex. This intricate force within us, that has more to do with our inherent power than with any interlocking of bodies; it is the alchemical element with which we can regain sovereignty over ourselves and regain our wholeness.

What you'll get 

You are going to walk out of this experience with your toolbox full and your eyes open!
  •   25 pre-recorded lessons which systematically bring us into the depths of the intricate workings of our systems. Each week new lessons will be made available for you to watch in your own time.

  • 19 Practice sessions to accompany the lessons. Each theory and concept will be accompanied with a practice; movement, breath, yoga, or meditation designed to allow the information to transform into understanding, and to create a biofeedback loop with the body. These practices will be a tool we can use for the rest of our lives.

  • Guided self-study. Each lesson will come with an assignment to be done to get very clear where we can find this within our own lives. This is not a theoretical work, you will get in there and apply it!

  • Weekly live experiential sessions. We will meet live as a group to workshop the themes we opened during the week. Questions will be answered by Laura, and we will move through and integrate the teachings. 

  • Live guest classes. Once a module we’ll have the opportunity to have a class with another teacher, one who works in a similar, yet totally different way. From Tai chi, to dance, to theater, to meditation, these other views will give us a fuller, richer experience.

  • Vibrant community. We’ll have a community space where we can share, ask questions, and connect. There will be community assignments, and an invitation to create Listening partnerships and Accountability Pods, to help us stay on track and to build connection, which help us understand that we are not alone in this work.

what people have to say about the work

More student love

Sexuality and the body and were always something that I associated with shame and difficulty. Working with Laura allowed me to have a tangible experience of the source of the wounds and mistaken beliefs that were holding me back from relating in a more natural way -- with myself, my partner and with life. Even more importantly, the gem of Laura's work is finding that going through those uncomfortable spots is precisely the path back to my naturalness, joy, and spontaneity. I feel much more accepting of myself and my sexuality now, and his makes it so much easier to be a human! Laura teaches in a knowledgeable, hilarious, and genuine manner that is a testament to somebody who is sincerely walking their talk. If you are serious about reconnecting with yourself, you need to get to know Laura and her work.

Hannes Svansqvist, Sweden

Laura's work is essential in this world, now more than ever. Everyone should do it! In my life there is a very clear before and after her work. Before I often felt imprisoned in my body, a victim of my circumstances and an island disconnected from everybody else. The work gave me such a profound understanding of how I did this to myself and most importantly, helped me to start to shift things on a deep level. I feel so much more joy to be alive and pleasure in my body. I don’t feel like I am a victim of my circumstances, I understand how I created them and therefore that I can create something else. It is empowering in the truest, realist sense, not in a way that you suddenly live happily ever after in a castle with bluebirds and your princess, but in a way that you can finally breathe in your own precious life and share more deeply of yourself with others!

Ruth Harlow, Uk
Laura's energy is refreshing, raw and authentic! Her work allowed me to take a deeply honest look into some forgotten aspects of my life and methodically unlock parts of my vital force. I now feel a renewed enthusiasm to engage with life, relationships, and sexuality more fully and spontaneously. The course's content, the tools and insights shared here reveal a rare maturity. Thanks again to Laura and the group. With Love!
Mikaël Gorostiaga, France 
video love

Participants share about their experience with A&I

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More alumni Love
Write your awesome label here.

What you will learn Module 1:
What does sexual energy have to do with it?

Opening the study of the Vital Current and creating maps of how it runs in your own life
  • Learn the grounding somatic skill of Orientation
  • Master a yoga asana sequence designed to support the inner work 
  • Understand the role of sexual energy in evolution and happiness 
  • Learn a powerful tool for sharpening will power
  • Create a tangible connection with your joy

What you will learn Module 2:
What is Blockage?

Exploring the nature of blockage; What is it? How does it come about? Where does it exist in me?
  • Open a study of the nature of blockage and find where it resides in your body
  • Bonus Tai chi session
  • Discover the connection between our blockages and patterns that repeat in our lives 
  • Movement practice and breathwork designed to reach these blockages
  • Get clear on early influences that prevented this energy from flowing freely 
  • Learn how to de-fragment the energy 

What you will learn Module 3:
The Product 

How trying to be a good person ends up imprisoning us
  • We'll unpack the story you tell yourself about what it is to be a good person 
  • Get powerful techniques to move the energy to the heart
  • Bonus session for integrating the fragmented pieces of ourselves with the whole
  • What to do with this feeling of being a fraud
  • Find out what you are selling to the other, and who is buying
  • Set up a dialogue between your inner masculine and feminine

What you will learn Module 4:
The Shadow

Understanding the series of unconscious defense mechanisms known as the Shadow
  • Understand the actual function of the shadow
  • Explore shame as a portal
  • Get to know the fragments which act as guardians to our unconscious
  • Study the mechanism of numbness 
  • Create a powerful ritual for integration and re-assimilation of fragmented energy  
  • Create a connection to our real boundaries

What you will learn Module 5:
Integration; returning whole to joy

Now that we have dug up all the artifacts it's time to use them to re-create what was lost 
  • Realign with simplicity 
  • Open the study of pleasure
  • Resting in the space of nothing needs to happen
  • Focus on sensitizing and circulating the energy 
  • We'll use the artifacts we have gathered through the course to create a model of the true self
  • Resting in your own heart
If your are wondering if this is a good fit for you

Who is this course for?

Who this is for 

Seekers. Those poised on the brink of a transformation. Those stuck in the mire. Those who want beauty and wonder and who doubt that it exists. Those who want to come alive. Those who are homesick for a place they have never been. Those who are missing community. Those who are missing themselves. 

Who this isn't for

Someone who doesn’t have any problems, or fine-tuning that needs to be done right now. Those who don't have two hours a week to dedicate to this work at this time. Those who don't feel emotionally in a space to dig right now. Those who might be triggered by the idea of using binary terms like masculine and feminine. 

Meet the instructor

Laura Carrotti

Laura Carrotti is a seeker of meaning. She's spent the last two decades studying with masters and fools all throughout India, Thailand, and South America. 

The core of Laura’s teaching, and her mission, is to bring people back into their totality, and to help them re-evaluate the relationship they have with their sexuality. Her work blends self-inquiry, dynamic forms of meditation, breath, yoga, and good old honesty. Her specialty is in unraveling the war we are all in with ourselves.

Laura has been leading Tantra groups in Europe, Asia, South America and the U.S. for over a decade and teaching Yoga philosophy and practice for almost two. She is also a trauma informed, Somatic Experiencing practitioner. 

And she swears an awful lot, but she’s great fun.
Laura Carrotti, Founder of Path of Tantra 
kind words from our students

Even More Student Love

Working with Laura has created shifts in all my relationships. In my business when I’m confronted with aggression, I am now able to understand this as being the way the person is protecting themselves, and I can stay relaxed and hold space for them, and work with them, rather than meeting them with aggression and trying to push their fire away. This has completely shifted my work environment, there has been a total change. At home I feel like I really understand my children and what triggers them, and I am able to show them that I see them. I feel like I understand my purpose more clearly, and have a broader view and an ability to shift situations. Romantically I understand more about who I am, and what I am bringing to the relationship. I am managing to be more myself, more real, and this is bringing my relationships to a deeper place and making them more real and honest.

Boaz Schonfeld, Israel
Laura leads you down a path of intense self-inquiry and self-love. The work with her is raw, real, gut-wrenching, bawl your eyes out laughing while rolling around on the floor silly, and, deeply piercing.    I felt safe the whole time in her presence which helped me to experience life-changing healing under her masterly guidance. Indeed, life has never been the same. Thank you Laura, for everything.
Tuesday May Thomas, USA

Laura’s work means so much to me. She creates a very clear and practical structure or path that led me to a much deeper understanding of patterns and behaviors that make up my relation to myself, others, and the world. Not only by bringing things to surface in an understanding, insightful way, but by going there and feeling. Her intensive course is the first thing I encountered on my journey that made me go there and feel what needs to be felt!

Her work transformed me in a way that made it possible to be with my beloved, and to manifest all that I am manifesting at this moment!

Thanks again Laura for your wonderful work and the energy you put into it. You give what is so much needed in this world.

Peter De Clippel, Belgium

I believe in a collaborative economy. I understand that the assigned value of this course holds a very different financial impact for each of you. I work with people in different parts of the world, whose currency holds more or less weight, and folks with very varied financial realities. In an effort to encourage a different way of contributing I will let each of you choose your price tier, there is no proof needed, just choose whichever one feels best for you. The higher price bracket will both allow this work to flourish and continue as well as to fund scholarships and discounts for those who need them. It’s the Economic Circle of Life! There are scholarships available for BIPOC, please reach out to learn more. 

Discount codes are given below, copy them down, and when you go through the check out and are asked if you have a coupon just put the code that corresponds with the payment that suits you. Easy! 


Price for those who need some support
Reach out to us!

Regular Price

Standard course price 


Price for those who can offer support
and we have the most awesome


Nitya Koning 
Yeshe Escola/FEEL

Nitya is the co-founder of Yeshe School of Self-Knowledge, an online school focused on the process of Emotional Maturation, and the founder of Feel, a methodology focused on the simple and inspiring theme of re-connecting with the life-force inside of us. He has spent the last 15 years discovering ways to enjoy life more intensely, suffer less, and reconnect directly with the vibrant essence of our Being. His work offers tricks and techniques to bring us in contact with the body, emotions, and present moment.

Bonus Classes with Guest Teachers
In each module we will have the chance to experience a completely different way of working. I've hand-picked some beloved friends who are experts in their field to share their gifts and practices with you. There are so many doorways into yourself, we'll have a chance to experience different vantage points, tools, and backgrounds. 
Bruna Magnes
Fragments of the Self
Bruna Magnes is an actress, ballerina, and researcher of the human soul. She is the creator of Fragments of the Self, a methodology combining theater techniques, movement study, and self-knowledge which gives all of our parts space to be liberated, integrated, and fully expressed. It uses creative compassion to call in our imperfections and give us permission to exist exactly as we are.

Tanja Saban
Gaga Teacher

Tanja is a dancer, Gaga teacher and yoga practitioner. The heart of her artistic practice is an ongoing research of the moving body-a space of experience, expression, and personal expansion in the unfolding of physical intelligence and the sensory body. She is currently developing a platform for co-creative, immersive dance experiences that oscillate between club culture, performance and embodied practices

Mikaël Gorostiaga
Mikaël is a teacher of the internal arts of QiGong and TaiChi. After study in the Chinese Himalayas, ashrams of India, and the Brazilian Amazon, he has spent the last 15 years practicing and sharing some of this taoist wisdom and exercises. He works in service of meditation, health, and self-knowledge in France and leads people toward the joy in their bodies, centering in their minds and connection to their own power and abundance.
Gayana and Avinash
Tantra Heart

Meditation gives joy and meaning to Gayana and Avinash’s life. They believe this to be the foundation of personal development and for a healthy and fulfilling life. The work that they have developed, called Tantra Heart, is an invitation to access sexuality from the space of the heart. They believe that the heart is the base which creates the security that allows us to become more receptive toward ourselves, life and the other, and to be able to move toward transformation. 

Frequently asked questions

How many hours will we need to commit per week?

- Choose your own adventure! Because of everyone’s different schedules, availability, and capacity, each one of us will have a different amount of time to dedicate to this work. The course material will need about 3-4 hours a week. It’s been configured in a way to allow for flexibility, those with less time will do the basic and those with more will have options to do more. 

We will be offering auxiliary practices and possibilities for whoever feels that they want to go deeper, but 2-3 hours a week will be enough to complete all the lessons and practice in each section. 

When will the live classes be? 

The live meetings will be on Wednesdays at the following time: 
9:00 Hawaii (UTC - 10)
11:00 Los Angeles (UTC -8)
2:00 p.m. New York (UTC-5)
3:00 p.m. Brasilia (UTC-3)
7:00 p.m. London (UTC +0)
8:00 p.m. Berlin (UTC +1)
9:00 p.m. Jerusalem (UTC+2)
2:00 a.m. Bali (UTC+8)
5:00 a.m. Melbourne (UTC+11)

We will have class every Wednesday except two pauses, where we will have empty weeks to rest and catch up!

What if I can't make it to a live class? 

All live classes will be recorded, and you will have access to them as soon they are uploaded. You will be able to watch them in your own time. If you miss a session, It’s recommend that you check and see if there is anyone else in the group who missed it and see if it is possible for you to watch together. Having an accountability buddy will help keep the energy of the sessions high. If you know that for some reason you won’t be able to make any of the live sessions (for example, you work at that time) try to see if there is anyone in the same situation and team up to see if there is another time that you can schedule to do the class together weekly.

I have already done the Intensive course with Laura, is this the same thing? 

Though this course touches on some of the same themes, this is a completely different course. We are working now with much more space to unravel the themes that open in the Intensive, they are meant to be complementary workshops. Alchemy can be the lead in to the Intensive, or it can be a follow-up to go deeper. 

Are we going to be learning sexual techniques in the course?


We are going to study our sexual energy as a current of vital force that animates and impels us. We will unravel the blockages, examine the beliefs and conditioning, and allow the sexuality to unravel in its natural glory rather than imagining we can teach it how to be better at being itself before we even know what it is. 

I saw something about the masculine and feminine, is this course only for heterosexual and Cisgender folks?

Whenever we refer to the masculine and feminine in this work we are talking about internal forces and the way they play out inside of us. Masculine and Feminine in these terms don’t refer to genital assignments, or hetero-normative labeling or relating, but rather an internal relationship we have with different energies within us. Everyone has a masculine and feminine, it has nothing to do with who we choose to relate with or our genitals. 

How long will I have to finish the course?

It's important to know that this course material won't be available forever! You will have the 12 weeks (two of them are empty, contentless weeks so you have time to catch up) and another week or two at the end and then access will finish!

Is this course for single people or people in relationships?

Either and both!

I am injured/differently abled, will I be able to do the physical portion of the course?

Yes! Reach out to Laura at Pathoftantra@gmail.com and let her know and we'll find a way to modify the movement sessions to keep you safe and moving!

I have trauma and feel afraid at the prospect of getting re-triggered

That's a really valid concern. This material might bring up some big feelings, but we will also be learning how to regulate our own nervous system, connect to our joy, and become a support system for ourselves. We will go slowly and respectfully and with a trauma informed view. If you notice that you are in an activation that doesn't subside, it might be a better idea to engage one on one with a therapist before doing this course. 
kind words by students

Last of the student love for now

Laura’s work is intense. Intense in a way that she offers a space to dive into deeper levels of your own story, connecting the dots that might not make sense on the surface and enables you to get in touch with yourself, your body and life itself. She is ready to answer questions in a profound way and offers support wherever it's needed. Watching her working is very inspiring. She is a compassionate and profound teacher.

sara steden, germany

I came to this work to learn more about how I show up in relationships, especially romantic ones, which often left me unfulfilled. I was able to see the resentments I carried toward the opposite sex, and toward my own sex. I could see that I had a lot of pain, which was causing tension and conflict in my relationships. At one point I understood that I can choose how I react. I received a lot of tools to help me to integrate everything that I experienced in this work into my daily life.

Abhinav Amberg, Germany
I left the workshop with more insights about my relationship to my inner feminine and masculine, and cleared a bunch of gunk out from past dysfunctional relationships that were no longer serving me, so that I could be more present in my current relationship. I understood how I was creating my own patterns and suffering on a subconscious level, and that it was time to take full responsibility. My partner and I feel like we have more tools for experiencing pleasure and union together, and removing barriers to love. We learned some extremely powerful breathing techniques, and ways to harness our sexual energy in a way that we never even knew was possible. Laura is down-to-Earth, wise, and willing to go to the darkest, most shameful places with you if it means your soul is going to grow and your heart is going to open. She is an excellent guide and extremely knowledgeable teacher.

Wanting a little more support?

If you feel like you would like to have more personal guidance from Laura throughout the course there are a limited number of individual session packages available. Individual sessions are done via zoom and use somatic tools, breath and inquiry to become razor clear on the content arising. Reach out to Laura - pathoftantra@gmail.com 
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